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    A brief history of corporate cinema

    di Giulio Latini

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    Since the early twentieth century, there has been an intimate relationship between the most prominent industrial enterprises and the cinematic gaze, resulting in countless films over time. Its authors are notable figures in international film history, yet they remain relatively unknown to most people. They traveled extensively to document manifold production processes, primarily to capture the tones and timbres that contributed to shaping the corporate identity of their clients. However, these filmmakers have, in no small measure, embedded in their films the essence of every meaningful aspect of modernity. To such a degree, they have created a vast gallery of real «image-worlds» condensing a sizeable portion of the «short century». A varied constellation of the visible destined to offer us valuable traces of historico-economic, techno-scientific, geo-socio-political and ideological-cultural horizons to be widely examined. Across this wide-ranging panorama, an alternation of rapid juxtapositions and more consistent analyses was required in the attempt to surface, within such a mare magnum, the most emblematic traits projecting diverse interpretive routes.

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    Scheda del volume

    AutoreGiulio Latini
    TraduttoreMatteo Ciccognani
    Data di pubblicazioneAprile 2024
    Paese di pubblicazioneItalia
    Copyright© 2024 KAPPABIT S.r.l.
    Numero di edizione1
    Lingua del testoInglese
    LegaturaBrossura grecata e fresata
    TipologiaLibro cartaceo
    Formatomm 148 x 210 [A5]
    EditoreEdizioni Kappabit
    CollanaImprese Mediali
    Prezzo di copertina€ 18,00 (IVA inclusa)